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作者:金飞     日期:2021-10-26   点击数:1673  


汪冬庚,男,1964 12 出生。中国药科大学药学院药物分析学博士(2001/09-2004/11


主要从事中药有效成分提取分离纯化、药物体内外代谢等方面的研究。在海燕策略百家论坛期间,主持江苏省高校自然科学基金课题一项(08KJB150013,已结题)。参与国家自然科学基金2项(青年基金:达玛烷型三萜类成分生物转化及构效关系的研究,81102743内生真菌促进术有效成分生物合成的信号转导及分子机制研究,81102327。 排名均第二); 省青年基金1项(排名第二)。以第一作者身份发表论文十几篇,其中SCI 7篇、EI 2篇。获发明专利授权3项(第一发明人)。


  1. Donggeng Wang , Taijun Hang,, Chunyong Wu, et al. Identification of the Major Metabolites of Resveratrol in Rat Urine by HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Chromatography B,2005 Vol.829 Isuues1-2.  IF: 2.8

  2. Donggeng Wang, Yuerong Xu, Wenying Liu.Tissue Distribution and Excretion of Resveratrol in Rat after Oral Adminstration of Polygonum CuspidatumExtract . Phytomedicine15  8598662008. IF: 3.2

  3. Donggeng Wang, Zhiwen Zhang, Jianfeng Ju, et al.Investigation of piceid metabolites in rat by liquid chromatography tandem massspectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B879: 69–74. 2011. IF: 2.8  

  4. Dong-Geng Wang, Wen-Ying Liu, Guang-Tong Chen.A simple method for the isolationand purification ofResveratrolfrom Polygonum cuspidatum. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2013;3(4):241–247

  5. Donggeng Wang, Lina Chen, Qing Zhu, et al. Structural Elucidation of in Vitro and in Vivo Metabolites of Emodin in Rats by LC -ESI-MS/MS. J chem. Soc.Pak Volume 35, No. 4 2013 (SCI). IF: 0.4

  6. Donggeng Wang , Qing Zhu, Baohua Liu, et al.Identification of Gut Microbial Metabolites of a Synthetic Nitric Oxide-Releasing Farnesylthiosalicylic Acid Derivative, an Antitumor Agent. Analytical Letters Volume 47, Issue 2 2014. IF: 1.1


1虎杖中白藜芦醇的简易制备方法ZL 2009 1 0264988.1.2012 07(授权).

 2(22Z)-麦角甾-4,6,8,22-四烯-3-酮的制备方法 : CN201310205449  2015.04.01(授权).

 3. (22Z)-麦角甾-4,6,8,22-四烯-3-酮及其用途:申请号 201310205435.5,发文序号 2015080500768460.(授权)